In our ongoing “Life is a Journey, what’s the best way to travel” series, we are now down to our last “P”. It’s the most important. In the previous blog, we covered the Great Commission to make disciples. The last sentence of that commission is the most comforting verse in the Bible. Jesus said, “And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” That is certainly something to behold! Hold on to Him with all your…..
If you had a great story to tell, wouldn’t you be excited to share it with others? If you discovered a great secret that would be helpful to others wouldn’t you want others to know it? If you went on an amazing vacation and stayed at an incredible resort, would you not post the fun you had on social media? If you answered yes to the above, what if you had found the ultimate life hack–the best way to enjoy…..
Want to be your best? Then, it’s time to give it up for the LORD! As a Southerner, it is quite distasteful and bad form really, to quote a Yankee General, but the specific terms U.S. Grant offered to Confederates at Fort Donelson during the Civil War War of Northern Aggression perfectly applies to our spiritual life—unconditional surrender. Our current President may have wrote a book on the Art of the Deal, but this is the greatest deal ever, although…..
Treat others as you would like to be treated. Often called the Golden Rule, it’s a quote from our Lord Jesus (Matt 7:12). Simple in concept, profound in purpose, balanced in justice, it is a universal maxim that members of every faith, be they those that believe in no god, one God, or many gods, can embrace. It is the accepted standard for human behavior and it forms the base of our divine triangle of love. We are to love…..
In taking a journey or trip, it’s important to have a good attitude. To maximize our enjoyment in our travels, we need to have a proper mindset. If, as a kid, we thought going to Disney World would be really neat, we need to have that viewpoint when we travel in our life journey with the Creator of the universe! I mean seriously, think about it–how cool is that? PERSPECTIVE is our 6th P and the last of the three…..
Let’s talk. Conversation, dialogue, and in general, communication are essential in a relationship. There must be a connection…somehow, somewhere. God desires an intimate relationship with us, and as the previous video explained, He greatly values us having good relationships with each other. So what are the keys to a successful relationship? The critical ingredient is trust. What good is communication if what is said is untrue? This is why truth is so prevalent in having a successful life journey. We…..
Our mission is to glorify God and loving thy neighbor is a primary way to honor God. How important is it for us to get along with one another? In God’s eyes it’s very important! For those of you who are parents, how would you like it if someone mistreated your children? Could you be friends with someone who did that? Wouldn’t your entire relationship be in jeopardy over that kind of action? Would not there be serious damage until…..
The Bible states, “God is love.” (1 John 4:8) It’s not just that God is loving which He certainly is, but love is the very nature and essence of God. We should pause for a moment and contemplate that incredible statement. Our Creator is love and we are created in His image, therefore we are designed to love. Of all the wonderful capabilities that we humans have–to think, to run, jump, and play, to feel…love is the premier attribute of…..
In our “Life is a journey, so what’s the best way to travel” series, we’ve now completed the first leg of our trilogy. So let’s have a quick review to regather our thoughts. We started off by considering the greatest commandment which is to love God with all we’ve got and love our neighbors as ourselves. Here we discover three “loves”. Love God, love others, and love yourself. Love is a unique action verb. In all cases or circumstances, it…..
In our family, the Christmas season has always been an important family celebration. Starting with our original core of Mom’s parents, Mom & Dad, my older brother and sister and myself, this tradition of family gathering has been in place every year of my existence on planet earth. Although my grandparents, Dad, and my brother-in-law Barry have since been promoted to heaven, the rest of us (now totaling 21) which encompasses four generations, still try to gather together at some…..